Huizhou XinHongDa False Tooth Co., Ltd.


Easy beauty all porcelain veneers

Materials and methods k * 1 wm, the thumb medicine
1.1 material: hot die casting ceramic E - Max easy beauty full porcelain systems (righteousness by jia company) k * wm, the thumb medicine
K * wm 1.2 method, the thumb medicine
1.2.1 conventional overlay abutment preparation, silicone rubber impression, perfusion plaster work model. K * wm, the thumb medicine
1.2.2 making detachable generation type: due to make a face abutment remains adjacency relations, often before the separation of saw cutting, the first to use a scalpel separating adjacent teeth under the magnifying glass, and then use the separation saw starting at the bottom of the model of cutting, to retain adjacency relation of the model (figure 1). Detachable type generation neck edge trimming should be carried out under a magnifying glass. K * wm, the thumb medicine
1.2.3 detachable type generation processing: first use pencil marks under the magnifying glass neck edge position, then use the gypsum hardener coated abutment teeth surface, the protection model of the abutment teeth. Second, use the whole porcelain special clearance coating in the abutment teeth surface evenly coated layer and coating shall be left abutment edge clearance 0.5 ~ 1.0 mm. After waiting for clearance paint drying, separating agent coating. K * wm, the thumb medicine
Pathogen wax type: with wax melting wax dip method is adopted to cover type wax production. Its method is to first dip in wax in dewaxing device, and then the generation on the type of restoration to the original model, the adjacent parts get in the way of generation of type reset excess wax can be removed. And then to use wax recovery in areas such as the tooth defect. Finally, under the magnifying glass to finishing wax type edge. K * wm, the thumb medicine
1.2.5 embedding, die casting, wax model is completed, use 2 mm in diameter, length of 3 mm wax line end embedded in the wax type casting, using a special base, embedding ring, embedding material for regular embedding. 30 ~ 45 min, after embedding the cast directly to the circle in the 850 ℃ oven, bake for 45 min, and then put the porcelain pieces in the circle of baked casting, putting on the insert die casting, according to the process of die casting foundry. K * wm, the thumb medicine
1.2.6 casting porcelain cover within the crown repair: after the die casting, casting circle use sandblasting machine down the pressure of 4 bar in addition to the embedding material, and then use the piece of cutting thin sand casting, in a container with special cleaning fluid in ultrasonic oscillator oscillating around 10 min, and then under the pressure of 2 bar sand blasting to remove surface reaction layer. Reaction layer are removed, under a magnifying glass to check its organization, grinding in addition to the small tumor, use white rubber wheel dressing edge, try on the generation of type, check the suitability.
1.2.7 veneer porcelain heap of plastic, cover complete: after completion of casting porcelain cover in the champions league, according to the conventional method for veneer porcelain heap of plastic, morphology, staining glaze.

Easy the whole porcelain tooth